Mirko Tobias Schäfer / Assistant Professor
University of Utrecht Department for Media and Culture Studies
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Date September 2004 / Category News
Software Art & Cultures Conference at the 2004 Read_Me Festival in Aarhus
(22.8. – 25.8.2004)
The Read_Me Festival is connecting the theorizing of software art and cultures in a conference with hands on practice in the Dorkbot City Camp where artists and programmers are presenting their work. The festival’s main theme People doing strange things with software describes already that creative usage of software is a cultural practice. I went to Aarhus to experience the synergies of the festival’s interdisciplinary perspective and presented a paper on using technology as a cultural practice. In fact this was a new version of the paper i had presented in Bilbao in April. I added some comments on the discursive function of mods.
The activities at the festival and the camp are documented in a weblog.
A review on the conference and the festival by Peter Luining at nettime.
A review in Italian on neural.it.
Tags Book conference
Date November 2002 / Category News
Date April 2004 / Category News
The 2004 Cyber Art Conference takes place in Bilbao. Next to the conference there is also an exhibition with software art and interactive installations. Under the main theme "Challenges for an Ubiquitous Identity" the conference is reflecting the social impact of cyber culture and information and communication technologies.
Read a review by Jonah Brucker-Cohen on Rhizome.
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