Mirko Tobias Schäfer / Assistant Professor
University of Utrecht Department for Media and Culture Studies
Date November 2013 / Category Publications
Excerpt from Bastard Culture! How User Participation Transforms Cultural Production. In DuGay, Stewart Hall, Linda Janes, Anders Koed Madsen, Hugh Mackay and Keith Negus: Doing Cultural Studies. The Story of the Sony Walkman. Los Angeles, London: Sage, 2013, pp. 157-160.
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Date January 2013 / Category Publications
with Johannes Paßmann and Thomas Boeschoten: The Gift of the Gab: Retweet Cartels and Gift Economies on Twitter. In Weller, K., Bruns, A., Burgess, J., Mahrt, M., and Puschmann, C. (eds.) Twitter and Society, New York: Peter Lang.
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Date March 2012 / Category Publications
\run subversion.exe. Mythos und Praxis subversiver Medien-Nutzung. In: Doreen Hartmann, Inga Lemke and Jessica Nitsche (eds.) Interventionen. Grenzüberschreitungen in Ästhetik, Politik und Ökonomie. Munich: Fink 2012
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Date February 2011 / Category Publications
Bastard Culture! How User Participation Transforms Cultural Production, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
European Journal of Communication (Paywall)
Contemporary Sociology Review (Paywall)
Technology and Culture (Paywall)
Visual Studies (Paywall)
TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies
Times Higher Education
Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft (German)
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Date March 2009 / Category Publications
Date May 2013 / Category Publications
with Frank Kessler: Trust in Technical Images, manuscript 2013.
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Date May 2012 / Category Publications
Vorprogrammierte Partizipation. Zum Spannungsfeld von Appropriation und Design in Social Media Plattformen. In: Uta Rußmann, Andreas Beinsteiner, Theo Hug, Heike Ortner (eds.) Grenzenlose Enthüllungen? – Medien zwischen Öffnung und Schließung. Innsbruck: IUP, 2012
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Date March 2012 / Category Publications
with Nikos Overheul and Thomas Boeschoten: Politiek in 140 tekens. Een analyse van twitterende Nederlandse politici. In: Christian van 't Hof, Jelte Timmer and Rinie van Est (eds.) 2012, Voorgeprogrammeerd. Hoe Internet ons leven leid. Boom: The Hague
Read a manuscript version of the chapter here (.pdf)
Date May 2009 / Category Publications
Date December 2008 / Category Publications
Participation Inside? User Activities between Design and Appropriation. In Marianne van den Boomen, Sybille Lammes, Ann-Sophie Lehmann, Joost Raessens, Mirko Tobias Schaefer: Digital Material. Tracing New Media in Everday Life and Technology, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2009, pp. 147-158.